July 18, 2024: How to Become an Anomaly - Lesson 1

By Shujaa Wa Ubongo


Prologue: The Tower of Dreams

Imagine a towering structure divided into three sections. The Outer Tower, where most people reside in the Residential District. Then there's the Inner Tower, where we find ourselves now, a place only the determined can climb. And finally, the Middle Area—the bridge connecting the dreamers to their destiny. Most will spend their lives in the Outer Tower, but for those who dare, the journey upwards is filled with trials, requiring an intense level of concentration and unwavering consistency.

The Call to Action

The foundations of growth are often misunderstood. People believe that merely having an idea is enough for it to manifest. But I’ve learned from countless events, projects, and championships that you have to put in the work. It's a hard truth. Leadership demands daily personal sacrifices to ensure your team's victory. God grants each person a soul purpose, and our mission at OneMindSet is to help under-resourced communities flourish like Black Wall Street once did.

“You are what you achieve.”

The Journey: From Dreams to Reality

When you see OneMindSet, you're witnessing a family—a community of intellectuals striving for growth and knowledge. But remember, it starts with you. What are you willing to invest to level up your dreams? Be it time, money, or resources, do it not for fame or fortune, but because you are called to be an example for your family, your community, and your business.


The Anomaly’s Path

Let's delve deeper into our journey with an analogy inspired by anime storytelling, reminiscent of a tale spun by an old soul around a campfire.

Outer Tower: The Residential District

In this district, most people live their lives comfortably, never daring to venture beyond the familiar. This is the beginning of your journey. The world here is vast, but the opportunities are limited by the bounds of routine and complacency.

Inner Tower: The Path of Regulars

Those who choose to climb the Inner Tower are known as "Regulars." This path demands not just physical strength but mental resilience. Each floor represents a new challenge, a test to unlock your true potential.

Middle Area: The Bridge to Greatness

Connecting the two sections, the Middle Area is where the transformation occurs. It's the space where you confront your fears, challenge your limits, and grow stronger. Consistency and perseverance are your allies here.


The Secret to Climbing the Tower

To reach the highest levels, you must endure daily mental and physical challenges. This journey is taxing, but the knowledge and strength you gain are priceless. The lessons from anime teach us that those who reach the top are "Irregulars"—individuals who defy the odds and bend the rules. They are born with the knowledge to overcome obstacles and unlock their true potential.

Are you game to become a OneMindSet Anomaly?


Embedding the Mission: Activities and Resources

  • School Supply Distribution: Hand out backpacks filled with supplies.
  • Educational Workshops:
    • Vision Board
    • Parenting Workshop
    • Etiquette Class for Boys & Girls
    • The Motions of Emotions
    • Family Empowerment Workshop: Unlocking Dreams Together
    • Mentorship Matters
  • Kids Zone: Engage students with educational games and fun activities.
  • Resource Booths: Provide information on local educational resources and support programs.

These activities are not just events; they are stepping stones, helping our community to climb their own towers.


The Reflection: Wisdom from the Top

One day, I’ll be on a farm, working with cattle, and my grandchildren will ask, “How did OneMindSet start?” The answer will be simple: by seeking excellence every day. This journey is narrow and thin, a path between the yin and the yang, but it must be walked.

Keep seeking, #OneMindSet family. God has already said yes; He is waiting for you to put in the time.


Wealth is quiet. Don’t seek to be the loudest; seek to be the smartest. Learn to create change without movement—that's chess, not checkers.

Conclusion: The Anomaly's Endgame

As we close this episode, remember, those who climb the tower and reach the top are called irregulars because they do not follow the conventional rules. They undergo tests that unlock their true strength and knowledge.

In the real world, brains, luck, and strength help, but conquering the present moment is key. Are you ready to become a OneMindSet anomaly?

Join Us Once The OneMindSet DreamChaser App Is Made

This is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more lessons on your journey to becoming an anomaly.


Epilogue: The Future Awaits

As we reflect on our journey, remember the power of consistency and perseverance. These principles are your guides as you climb your own tower.

Keep striving, OneMindSet family. The future is yours to shape.


End of Episode 2. Stay tuned for the next installment, where we dive deeper into the challenges and triumphs of becoming an anomaly. Until then, keep seeking excellence every day.


[Join us in our upcoming workshops and events. Together, we can unlock our true potential and build a brighter future.]